Extra–curricular Activities
School Visits
Educational visits form an important part of our school calendar. We endeavour to enrich our curriculum with class trips, visitors, musicians, theatre groups and special assemblies at least once per term.
The Head teacher and LAC Members endeavour to ensure the cost of the educational visits and any voluntary contributions are kept to a minimum. We hope that all visits undertaken by the school are fully supported by parents.
Before and After School Activities
We offer a range of after school activities that aim to promote healthy lifestyles and encourage pupils to engage in various craft, music, drama, ICT and film club activities.
Different clubs run at different times of the year and at the beginning of a term a letter is sent out to parents outlining the various extra curricular activities for that particular term.
Parents are simply asked to sign a consent form sent home if they would like their child to attend the club. In some cases there are limited places so we advise parents to send their consent form in quickly.
Provision of homework activities varies between year groups. In all cases, some work will be sent home with children, and they will be given a date for completing it and returning it to school. A homework book is provided, and should be treated as all other exercise books – kept clean, and with work completed neatly.
Every child in school will also be expected to read, learn tables and practise spellings each week.
Parents are asked to monitor their children’s homework, giving support when it is appropriate. We appreciate this encouragement and interest from parents and ask all parents/carers to sign a home/school agreement to confirm their commitment.
Further information regarding homework will be sent to parents from class teachers and updated each term.
Before and After School Care
St Jude’s Before and After-Care clubs are run by qualified staff and the club is regularly inspected. Wrap around care is available 7.30am until 8:30am and 3:45 until 5.45pm. Aftercare closes at 4:30pm on a Friday.
Children are offered a healthy breakfast in the morning including fruit and in after care the children are offered a healthy snack including fruit.
In both sessions, children have access to a range of different activities that are linked to events and our school values.