Our Classes

At St. Jude’s our Early Years Foundation Stage consists of Terrific for Twos (2year olds), Nursery (3 and 4 year olds) and Reception (4 and 5 year olds).
All children have access to large outdoor areas, as well as Forest School to develop their knowledge of the world around them. Our EYFS curriculum has been designed, to enable the children to explore and investigate through tailored activities. Each half term, the children’s activities are centred on a theme and this enables staff to shape the curriculum to the children’s ideas and interests. All children receive a broad and balanced curriculum that meets their needs.

Children are taught daily English, Phonics and Maths activities to build upon their existing skills and are offered independent activities that help them develop their own independent reasoning and investigative skills.
As well as these subjects, we will develop the children’s understanding of the world around them, their expressive art and design skills and their communication and language skills. In addition, we provide sessions to aid their physical development with subject specialists and additional music sessions with a music teacher.
We strive to ensure that all children are achieving the best that they can and this is aided by positive working relationships with parents and carers.
Terrific for Twos

Hello and welcome to Terrific for Twos! This year Mrs Thomas, Mrs Weeratunga, Miss Blower and Miss Jutla will be working within the provision to provide a wide range of exciting learning experiences.
Our learning journey begins by focusing on ourselves as we explore the topic ‘All About Me’ and ‘The World Around Us’ looking at families, friendships and homes. We will be exploring role play in our home corner, looking after the babies and preparing food and also building homes in our construction area. We will be exploring the outdoor environment as we learn about Autumn, collecting leaves in forest school and finding mini beasts in our sensory garden.
Following on from this we will be focusing on traditional celebrations such as Diwali, Bonfire night and Christmas and moving on in the Summer term we will introduce topics such as ‘Animals’ and ‘People That Help Us’.
Throughout all of our topics we will be developing language skills though daily circle time sessions where we will be enjoying singing and telling stories and also phonics where we start to talk about familiar sounds and play listening games.
We have many exciting activities and experiences planned for the children, which we look forward to sharing with you via the ‘Marvellous me’ and ‘Seesaw’ apps.
We are looking forward to the year ahead and the adventures that are to come.

Welcome to Nursery! This year, Mrs Evans, Mrs Markham-Randal, Mrs Devi, Miss Dhir and Mrs Bilku, will be working with your children to ease them back for a new year and we will welcome new starters to ensure the children have a wonderful experience in Nursery at St Jude’s C of E Academy.
This year, we will be exploring lots of speaking and listening games to build our confidence and learn to work collaboratively. We will have lots of opportunities to be creative with printing, junk modelling, painting and investigate different textures.
In Nursery, our theme will be; ‘All about me’ where we will be talking about our likes/dislikes, what we look like and draw self-portraits. We will discuss our emotions and senses – we will talk about different emotions and how they make us feel and the different senses we use. Our next theme, will be ‘My home and local environment’ – we will discuss our homes, our family and what we can see from our window.
In Nursery, we will go on walks to our Forest School to explore the outdoor environment. We will regularly read stories and sing nursery rhymes. We look forward to meeting you soon.

Welcome to Reception! This year, Mrs Singh, Mrs Phelps, Miss Preene, Miss Russell, Mrs Stockley and Mrs Stone will be working with your children to ensure they have a fantastic start to school life at St Jude’s C of E Academy.
This year is going to be exciting and we have many fun things planned. Our topics will include: ‘I am Wonderful’, ‘Celebrations’, ‘Forest and Woodland’, ‘People in Our Community’, ‘In the Garden’ and ‘All Creatures Great and Small’.
Throughout our topics, we will have a range of activities that will develop and strengthen the children’s understanding of the world around us, as well as a range of activities and projects focusing on different aspects of art and design. In Maths, we will look at number and shape, space and measure. Focusing on a given aspect each week and building on our mathematics skills as we move through the academic year. Lots of our maths work will be practical and contextual, tailored towards each child’s needs and development. We will explore a range of different books within our Literacy lessons and build up our knowledge of different phonetic sounds in our Phonics lessons. In P.E, we will build on the children’s existing skills in regards to their gross motor skills. Fine motor skills will be developed and strengthened through a range of daily tasks and challenges. Throughout the year in R.E, we will develop our understanding of Christianity, and how other religions within our community celebrate and worship.
In Reception, we encourage collaborative learning with our parents. We want to know what the children are doing at home as much as parents want to know what we are doing in school. Therefore, we will provide opportunities for you to share what your child can do via a ‘Proud Cloud’ once a term. We will keep you updated using ‘Marvellous Me’ with day-to-day occurrences and news.
We are looking forward to working with all of the children and we are excited for what the year has in store.
Key Stage 1
Year 1

Miss Fowler, Miss Butt, Mrs Holt, Mr Newlyn and Miss Jacques welcome you to Year 1.
We have an exciting year ahead of us filled with many interesting topics.
In Literacy, we will be exploring a range of texts from different genres, including ‘Beegu’ and ‘Here We Are’, which will take our imaginations on many exciting adventures. We will also be working hard in Phonics to help build strategies to promote independent reading and writing. In Mathematics, we will be practising our number, shape, space and measure skills to be able to tackle challenging problems with growing independence.
This year, we will be looking at many exciting topics, such as; ‘Wonderful Weather’, ‘Animals, Animals, Animals’ in Science and ‘What is outside my window?’ and ‘Explorers’ in Geography and History. As part of our Religious Education, we will be exploring Christianity and Sikhism and exploring different religious festivals.
In Year 1, we work hard to develop our independence and aim to try our best in everything that we do and most importantly, we have fun!
Year 2

We would like to welcome you all to Year 2! This year, Mr Hunt, Miss Tipton, Mrs Stockley and Miss Falato will be working with your children. We have an exciting year ahead of us, in which we will look at many interesting topics to continue our learning journey at St Jude’s C of E Academy.
In Literacy this year, we will be looking at a range of different texts including: Jack and the Beanstalk, Jampires, The TWITS, The Secret of Black Rock, Greta and the Giants and The Smeds and the Smoos. The children will complete a range of learning opportunities to develop their creative writing, sentence structures and build on their reading comprehension skills. The children will also develop their spelling and grammar skills throughout our learning in Literacy.
In Numeracy we will be exploring the relationships between numbers, ordering numbers and comparing numbers and will use the four Operations to solve problems. Problem-solving and reasoning will be a big aspect of our learning in Year 2. Children will begin to use written methods to solve their calculations and begin to explain their methods. We will also be exploring money, shape, space and measures.
In History, we will explore ‘The Great Fire of London’ and ‘Castles’. In Geography the children will use atlases and map skills to locate the continents in the world and the oceans that surround them. Topics including ‘Living Things and Their Habitats’ and ‘Materials’ will be in Science. The children will be using their observational skills and will conduct a number of investigations, ensuring they make sensible predictions and conclusions. During our Religious Education lessons, children will be learning about the Christian Creation Story and will explore religious leaders from the Sikhism faith. The children will learn how to keep safe online in Computing, and will be designing and creating healthy snacks in Design and Technology.
In Year 2, we encourage all children to try their best in order to embrace their learning with an enthusiastic approach. We are looking forward to nurturing them to flourish and achieve their individual goals!
Lower Key Stage 2
Year 3

Miss Allsopp, Mrs Banks, Mr Holliday and Miss Abrams welcome you to Year 3. We are looking forward to teaching you and learning about lots of interesting new things!
In Literacy, we will be focusing on a variety of texts, which will include The True Story of the Three Little Pigs, The BFG and Paddington. This will allow us to build and write a range of different texts and analyse various genres.
In Numeracy, we will build on and develop all aspects of the mathematics curriculum including Number, Shape, Space and Measure and Fractions. This will allow you to apply your understanding and problem solve. We will all be able to recall our 3s, 4s and 8s by the end of the year.
Our Science topics will allow you to investigate the human body, light and shadow, forces and magnetism, rocks and soils and a range of plants, flowers and fruits. You will be working scientifically in all topics which will require you to sort and classify, observe over time and complete fair tests.
In History, we will have learnt about the Stone Age, the Egyptians and Significant Individuals by the end of Year 3. You will become historians; analysing a range of sources, comparing different eras from past and present, and identifying changes over time. In Geography, we will complete studies of our local environment, Africa and the Seven Wonders of the World. We will strengthen our map skills, understanding of the different climates and develop our independent fieldwork skills.
Our RE lessons will allow us to explore the Creation Story, People of God, Salvation and the Gospel; as well as, comparing different religions and looking at how we can promote harmony in our local community.
We look forward to supporting you on the next part of your journey at St Jude’s and can’t wait to see you all thrive.
Year 4

This year, Miss Harrison, Mr Nuttall and Mrs Kaur welcome you to Year 4. We have an exciting year ahead of us, in which we will look at many interesting topics.
In History, we will explore what life was like in the Industrial Revolution and all about the Ancient Greeks. Topics including Our Teeth, States of Matter and Electricity will be explored further in Science, and in Geography, we will explore the rivers of the UK and the world, along with their features. During our Religious Education lessons, we will explore religious leaders from the Hindu faith, along with The Holy Trinity. We will find out how to keep safe online in Computing.
There will be a variety of texts covered in our Literacy lessons this year, ranging from ‘Sam Wu is not afraid of the dark’ by Katie and Kevin Tsang, to ‘The Boy at the Back of the Class’ by Onjali Rauf. Finally, in Numeracy we will continue to develop all aspects of mathematics, but remember to continue to practice recalling your multiplication facts, as these must be known by the end of Year 4!
In Year 4, we promote hard work, trying your best and having a go, with this ethos we can achieve any goal, and we cannot wait to go on our Year 4 journey with you!
Upper Key Stage 2
Year 5

Welcome to Year 5! This year Mr Dyer, Mrs Lewis, and Mr Bennett will be helping your children achieve their full potential in Year 5.The year ahead, is filled with engaging texts, immersive learning experiences and exciting educational visits. Within Year 5, pupils continue to develop skills they have gained and throughout their St. Jude’s journey, as well as learning brand new skills, which will enable them to become lifelong learners.
We will be exploring and consolidating our knowledge of key mathematical principles in Numeracy, including place value, formal and mental methods of calculation and building on our knowledge of fractions and decimals.
In our Literacy lessons we will continue to hone our understanding of the English language, building on our understanding of grammar and how vocabulary and sentence structure can be manipulated for a variety of purposes. Some of our focus texts this year will be; The Firework Makers Daughter, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, Beowulf and many more.
In Geography, we will explore mountains, focussing on the Alps, comparing and contrasting them with other mountain ranges, identifying the physical and human features and what makes them interesting to study. We will delve into the Vikings as part of our History studies this year, before setting off to visit the Mayans, learning about how and where they all lived and what makes them important to us. During our Religious Education, we will learn more about Islam and the importance of the Prophet and the Kingdom of God, who Jesus was and why he is important to Christians. Finally, in Science we will be exploring space in more detail, starting with our solar systems before setting off into the wider galaxy.
We look forward to working alongside you and your children in Year 5, to ensure that every child has the opportunity to achieve their full potential.
Year 6

Welcome to Year 6! This year, Mr Healy, Mrs Caddick, Mr Whelan and Mrs Duggins will be working with your children to ensure that their last year at primary school is: exciting, interesting, challenging and continues to build on their prior knowledge and understanding.
Throughout the year, our curriculum will cover many new exciting topics which will engage and inspire the pupils. In Literacy, there will be a range of texts covered including; The London Eye Mystery, The Explorer, Letters From the Lighthouse and Macbeth. Pupils will have the opportunity to practise writing in a variety of different styles. In Numeracy, we will continue to develop all areas of mathematics as well as learning new topic areas such as algebra!
Our Geography curriculum will explore London, the Amazon rainforest and Natural Disasters, where we will use maps, atlases, chrome books and non-fiction texts to support our understanding. In History, we will be learning about World War II using real life accounts and artefacts to help us with our understanding. We will also explore Crime and Punishment through the years as well as slavery. In Religious Education as part of our understanding of world religions, we will explore the beliefs of Christianity and Islam. In Art, we will continue to build on our drawing skills and explore the range of media that can be used to create pieces inspired by well-known artists such as L.S Lowry.
In Year 6, we know how the prospect of SATs can be quite daunting for your children but rest assured we will provide a curriculum that will ensure pupils are fully prepared whilst still maintaining an enjoyable and exciting experience.
In Year 6, we promote resilience and perseverance and we believe that everyone can achieve. We look forward to our Year 6 journey!